When is it time to seek help?
Roughly one couple in five will have difficulty conceiving.
In the united states, this means that more than 6 million couples are currently experiencing infertility. Of couples who fail to achieve a pregnancy, the issue is due exclusively to female infertility about 40% of the time and to male factor infertility about 40% of the time. The remaining 20% of the time, there may be issues with both partners that contribute to the infertility. Strictly speaking, infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after a full year of unprotected intercourse. At that point, couples should seek professional assistance.
As we move into the future, we are learning more and more about how important the male contribution to their offspring is. Living a healthy life is the best way to conceive naturally and give your child the best chance at a healthy life. However, fertility challenges do happen, sometimes for reasons that are impossible for you to know without specialized testing. If the female partner is less than 35 years old and has regular menstrual periods, the couple should seek fertility testing if they do not conceive within 12 months (and only six months if the female is 35 years old or over).
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— VigRX Official Store - VigRX Plus, Testosil (@vigrxstore) April 22, 2023
Lifestyle and home remedies
Most remedies for low sperm count and motility that you can try at home deal with changing lifestyle factors to improve reproductive health. Eat the right diet
your diet may play a big role in your fertility health. Some studies suggest that certain foods contribute to a decrease in sperm count, including:
processed meats like hot dogs and salami. The reason behind the relationship between processed meats and sperm count isn't yet clear, but preliminary studies show a connection.
Foods with trans fats. Trans fats lead to heart disease , but some studies show they also lead to reduced sperm count.
When treatment doesn't work
Stress can have a negative effect on a man’s fertility. It can interfere with a man’s hormones and make it harder for a couple to conceive. Exercise and a balanced diet may help men reduce stress. Sleep is especially important to reduce stress and produce reproductive hormones. When men are asleep, their bodies are making testosterone, which is a key reproductive health. Whether it’s hanging out with friends or just relaxing at home, take time to unwind. Infertility can be stressful for couples, so be intentional about relaxing and reducing your stress. Hy-vee pharmacy solutions (hps) offers fertility expertise to guide you and your partner through the entire course of your fertility treatments.
Start out with a visit to a doctor called a urologist. They'll give you a physical exam and ask you questions about your lifestyle and medical history, such as: surgeries you've had your exercise habits whether you smoke or take recreational drugs they may also have a frank discussion with you about your sex life, including any problems you've had or whether you have or ever had any stds (sexually transmitted diseases). You'll probably be asked to give a sample of semen for analysis. Finding out the cause of your infertility can be challenging. Male infertility specialists have different ways of doing that, but here are some of the tests you can expect:.
Your best chance of fathering a healthy child occurs between your early 20s and mid-30s, assuming you are in good health. However, when the right age for you to have a baby is a personal decision. You must consider how emotionally and financially ready you are for this step. Interestingly, research has found that having a child before age 25 leads to worse health outcomes for the father6. Waiting until 30 seems healthier from an emotional, physical, and financial standpoint. Whenever you decide is the right time, understanding your fertility puts you in the driver's seat. This article was created for informational purposes only and does not necessarily represent the views of for chaps ltd.
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Healthy sperm: Improving your fertility
Evidence is limited on whether — or how much — herbs or supplements might help increase male fertility. None of these supplements treats a specific underlying cause of infertility, such as a sperm duct defect or chromosomal disorder.
Supplements with studies showing possible benefits for improving sperm count or quality include:
coenzyme q10
vitamin c
vitamin e
talk with your doctor before taking dietary supplements for male infertility. There is no clear evidence that they work, and some supplements may cause side effects or interact adversely with medications you take.
Simple steps to increase the chances of producing healthy sperm include: maintain a healthy weight. Some research suggests that increasing body mass index (bmi) is linked with decreasing sperm count and sperm movement. Eat a healthy diet. Choose plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in antioxidants — and might help improve sperm health. Prevent sexually transmitted infections (stis). Sexually transmitted infections — such as chlamydia and gonorrhea — can cause infertility in men. Limiting the number of sexual partners and always using a condom for sex — or staying in a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who isn't infected — can help protect against stis.
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— VigRX Official Store - VigRX Plus, Testosil (@vigrxstore) April 22, 2023
What causes male fertility problems?
Smoking can cause fertility problems in men. It can:
reduce the quality of sperm
cause a lower sperm count
affect the sperm’s ability to swim (motility)
cause male sexual impotence (inability to get or maintain an erection). The good news is that stopping smoking can reverse the damage.
To get support to quit smoking sign up for the nhs smoke-free emails.
Historically, when couples had difficulty conceiving, it was assumed that the woman was infertile. We now know that male factor issues are responsible at least half of the time. And with sperm rates declining dramatically in recent years, preconception health for men promises to remain a hot topic for years to come. Some fertility issues are caused by physical problems and nutritional or health issues. Other interrelated issues may be tied to the quality, number, and production of sperm. Your first step is to consult with your doctor and get tested. You can also use spermcheck, the home test from our sponsor dna diagnotics center to check whether you have normal or low sperm counts.
Fertility refers to people’s ability to reproduce without medical assistance. Male infertility is when a man has a poor chance of making his female partner pregnant. It usually depends on the quality of his sperm cells. Sometimes infertility is linked to sexual function, and other times it could be linked to semen quality. Here are some examples of each: libido. Otherwise known as sex drive, libido describes a person’s desire to have sex. Foods or supplements that claim to increase libido are called aphrodisiacs. Erectile dysfunction. Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction is when a man is unable to develop or maintain an erection.
Several studies have suggested that weight loss and exercise among people with overweight or obesity can lead to an improved or increased sperm count. However, the science linking a healthy body mass index ( bmi ) to a healthy sperm count is still weak. Examined the benefits of performing a 16 week aerobic exercise program of at least three 50-minute sessions per week. The participants reached 50–65% of their peak heart rate. In the study, regular exercise increased sperm count and motility in 45 men with obesity and sedentary lifestyles.
read moreWhat do the results mean?
Found similar weight loss for women with obesity following an 8:16 fasting plan for 3 months.
However, not all results have been entirely positive. Of 43 studies found that, while intermittent fasting resulted in greater weight loss than a non-intervention diet, it had less benefit than calorie restriction. Now, a study has found that, in zebrafish, tre had negative effects on the quality of both sperm and eggs and that the adverse effects continued after usual feeding resumed. The study, from the university of east anglia (uea), u. K. , is published in proceedings of the royal society b.
Equivalent results to a lab test indicates normal or low sperm count over 98% accurate* fast - results in 10 minutes convenient - test in the privacy of your home accurate - results equivalent to a lab sperm count easy to read results spermcheck® fertility is a home screening kit to test sperm in semen. This simple test will quickly let you know if your sperm count is within normal limits. Contents:.
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— VigRX Official Store - VigRX Plus, Testosil (@vigrxstore) April 22, 2023
What happens when I want to use my sperm?
pgtk, thomas
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et al. National trends in the us public’s likelihood of getting a covid-19 vaccine: april 1 to december 8, 2020. jama. 2020;325(4):396-398.
Doi: 10. 1001/jama. 2020. 26419 pubmed google scholar crossref
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et al. Lessons learned from frontline skilled nursing facility staff regarding covid-19 vaccine hesitancy. j am geriatr soc. 2021;69(5):1140-1146. Doi: 10. 1111/jgs. 17136 pubmed google scholar crossref
jc, kuchakulla
m, khodamoradi
et al. Evaluation of sars-cov-2 in human semen and effect on total sperm number: a prospective observational study. world j mens health.
Low Sperm Count and Poor Sperm Health
What is a semen analysis?
We will schedule and perform the semen analysis at our laboratory to ensure the accuracy and consistency of results. At the time of your scheduled appointment, you may bring your sample from home or collect in our office. We have a private room designed for this purpose.
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— VigRX Official Store - VigRX Plus, Testosil (@vigrxstore) April 22, 2023
Nutritional value in a serving of semen
(1) six mature grazing merino rams were given either a low (lp) or high (hp) level of supplementary feeding for 6 weeks before being subjected to a period of intensive semen collection every 15 weeks for 18 months (six collection periods). At each collection period 16 opportunities for ejaculation were given daily to each ram over two series of 5 days, separated by 2 days' rest. Each ram was exposed to three lp and three hp pre-collection periods. Ejaculates were examined for semen characteristics and the 'reaction time' was recorded at each service. (2) the average daily sperm output for the six rams was 10.
Previously, we linked zinc deficiency with poor sperm quality. In a 2002 study, a group of researchers set out to assess the effects of zinc combined with folic
acid on various measures of semen quality, including sperm concentration, motility, and morphology, as according to world health organization guidelines. The results showed a significant 74% increase in total normal sperm count in subfertile men, with a similar trend observed in fertile men, leading to the conclusion that “total normal sperm count increases after combined zinc sulfate and folic acid treatment in both subfertile and fertile men. ” however, the researchers urged for continued research on the effects of zinc on male fertility.Benefits of Swallowing Semen
What is semen made of?
To investigate whether men's adherence to dietary patterns promoted for the prevention of cardiovascular disease is associated with semen parameters and couples’ assisted reproductive technology (art) outcomes. Prospective cohort study. Fertility center at an academic medical center. A total of 245 men and their female partners who underwent 438 art cycles between 2007 and 2020.
Male pretreatment dietary intake was assessed with a 131-item food frequency questionnaire from which we calculated eight a priori defined scores: trichopoulou mediterranean, alternate mediterranean, panagiotakos mediterranean, healthy eating index, alternative healthy eating index, american heart association, dietary approaches to stop hypertension, and plant-based. The primary outcome was live births per treatment cycle.
Semen is a fluid that the penis releases following ejaculation. Although semen contains nutritional properties and ingredients that may benefit skin, these appear in low quantities. So it is unlikely a person will receive any skin or hair benefits through topical use or consumption. While further scientific research is necessary, most current research suggests that semen does not provide any benefits. Additionally, the properties that may provide a benefit are typically present in food or skincare products. https://www.youtube.com/@vigrxofficialstore4989 https://vigrxofcstore.contently.com/ https://www.dailymotion.com/vigrx-official-store https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHhjfZNCZR8 https://www.facebook.com/vigrxstore/
read more17. What do sperm look like?
Most males ejaculate when having an orgasm, although some can have an orgasm without ejaculating. Ejaculate contains fluid from the prostate, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands.
Though it contains a
, including citric acid, cholesterol , mucus, and water, its primary job is to deliver sperm. Research has not shown that not ejaculating causes serious health problems. However, frequent ejaculation may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Having satisfying sex with a partner may also improve a man’s health. This article looks at how often a man should release sperm, whether there is a link between ejaculation and cancer , and the effects of ejaculation on the body.
Thick semen is not always a cause for concern, especially if this consistency is infrequent. However, if semen is often very thick, it can signal a problem with the prostate or the seminal vesicles. If a person has very thick semen, a doctor may refer to the issue as “semen hyperviscosity. ”if semen is very thick, the sperm cannot move as easily and there may be fewer sperm. As a result, it may be difficult to impregnate a partner. In this article, we explore the causes of thick semen, describe when to see a doctor, and provide some tips for keeping the sperm healthy. https://www.youtube.com/@vigrxofficialstore4989
18. How do sperm swim?
The average ejaculation introduces 50 million sperm into your vagina. Of those millions only a few thousand make it into the fallopian tube. Those few hundred release an enzyme that clears the way for one sperm to swim all the way up the tube and fertilize the waiting egg.
The fertilized egg then makes its way into the uterus where it implants and grows, developing into your child.
The effect of β-hb on cell motility in freshly ejaculated spermatozoa was first evaluated ( figure 1 a). In particular, highly motile and poorly motile sperm fractions were obtained from normozoospermic healthy donors by standard swim-up technique as previously described [ 20 ]. The two isolated fractions were exposed for 2 h to 1 mm or 4 mm β-hb at 37 °c and the percentage of cells with progressive motility was then evaluated. Compared to control conditions, in which β-hb was omitted, exposure of both sperm populations to β-hb at either concentration was associated with a slight but not significant increase in sperm motility ( figure 1 a; all p-values 0. https://www.dailymotion.com/vigrx-official-store
23. How long do sperm live outside the body?
L-carnitine is made in our brain, liver and kidneys to help the body burn fat into energy and is an essential vitamin required for healthy metabolism in humans. L-carnitine has also been positively linked to improved sperm motility in men with a low sperm count. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHhjfZNCZR8
Dietary changes to promote male reproductive health should address both the overall balance of the diet, as well as the specific nutrients that the body needs for hormone balance and sperm production. The mediterranean diet is one dietary pattern that we know promotes good male reproductive health, being associated with improved sperm number, sperm quality and improved chances of conceiving. Even if you don’t live in italy or greece, the principles of a mediterranean diet can be followed anywhere in the world. A mediterranean-style diet focuses on eating an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruit (at least 7 servings daily), whole grains, beans, lentils, quality protein from meat, fish and seafood, and good fats from extra virgin olive oil and nuts. https://www.facebook.com/vigrxstore/
Eat a well-balanced diet. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables, fiber, lean protein and healthy fats, like the mediterranean diet, are associated with higher rates of fertility in men. Maintain a healthy weight. While men who are overweight can have healthy babies, data suggests living with extra weight or obesity can make conceiving a child more challenging, explains manaker. Exercise regularly. Aim to include 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of strength training per week, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. Moderate exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight and manage stress, both of which help support your fertility.
Several reports have suggested a decline in semen quality in recent decades ( carlsen et al. , 1992 ; auger et al. , 1995 ; swan et al. , 2000 ; skakkebaek et al. , 2006 ). A special concern has been raised about the low sperm concentration found in young men in some european countries ( jørgensen et al. , 2002 ). Semen quality may be impaired by environmental exposures ( benoff et al. , 2000 ; rozati et al. , 2002 ; duty et al. , 2003 ; spanò et al. , 2005 ; swan, 2005 ; carreño et al.
read more13. How often are sperm produced?
Semen is the grayish white bodily fluid which is emitted from the urethra during ejaculation. Semen contains sperms which can fertilize the female ova to produce new life. The average volume of semen in an ejaculation is about 2-5 ml. An ejaculation can contain 40-600 million sperms depending on the volume of the ejaculation and the length of time for which the ejaculation lasts.
Semen is typically produced by the secretions from the male reproductive organs. During ejaculation , the sperms pass through ejaculatory ducts and mix with the fluids from reproductive organs such as testes, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands to form the semen.
L-carnitine is an amino acid-like nutrient that plays a critical role in sperm mitochondria – the cellular ‘furnace’ where energy is produced in sperm. L-carnitine is found in our diet, but it is also easily obtained in supplement form. Many studies have shown that l-carnitine supports male fertility by promoting healthy sperm motility. https://www.youtube.com/@vigrxofficialstore4989
Unlike women who are born with all the eggs they will inside their ovaries, a man’s body creates sperm every day. Sperm is produced in the testicles and hormones such as testosterone stimulate the production of sperm. As per who guidelines, normal sperm count can range anywhere from 15 million to more than 200 million sperm count per ml of semen. Shape of sperm is also important. Sperm must also have an oval shaped head, a midpiece and a tail. Motility is the ability of sperm to swim in a straight forward direction to reach the egg and measured as the percentage of moving sperm cells in a sample of semen. https://vigrxofcstore.contently.com/
14. Is there anything you can do to produce more sperm?
Selenium is a necessary mineral for the male body to produce sperm. It’s a powerful antioxidant that is included in supplements for its effect on semen quality.
Healthy males produce millions of sperm each day and only a few of these ever go on to fertilise an egg. Despite the abundance of sperm, conception can take up to a year for many couples with healthy gametes (sex cells – sperm in males and eggs in females). When sperm quality is reduced, for example sperm are immotile (cannot move properly) or abnormally shaped (which may impair their ability to penetrate the shell of an egg) conception may take considerably longer or only be achieved with assisted reproduction technologies. Many factors, including an individual’s genetic make up, sexual and reproductive health conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases and lifestyle factors such as smoking , affect the health of sperm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHhjfZNCZR8
At least you don’t have to worry about gaining weight from a few milliliters of semen. An ejaculate consists of about 5 calories, and in any case no more than 25. But what is actually in semen? are there nutrients in it that your body can use? provided the maker takes good care of himself and eats a healthy and varied diet, the nutritional value of sperm is excellent. But because he only produces such small amounts per session, the semen swallower will not notice any significant health effects. Let’s list its ingredients for you.
only 1% of semen contains sperm cells. What about the rest? well, the rest of it contains these ingredients: fructose sugar, ascorbic acid, water, enzymes, citric acid, protein, zinc and phosphate. https://www.facebook.com/vigrxstore/
When assessing a man’s fertility, the first step for many is ordering a semen analysis. This will give the physician an idea on how much sperm is found in a man’s semen, how well that sperm is able to move, and if the sperm looks the way sperm cells are supposed to. Here is a general overview of what “normal” results might look like following a semen analysis: for a breakdown of what these terms mean, read a urologist’s guide to male fertility. If a male is able to ejaculate and a sperm analysis shows at least some sperm that are of normal morphology, have some forward progression, good motility, and an average ph between 7.
Yes, semen does contain actual nutrients including vitamin c, b12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, fat and protein. Did you know that when a man ejaculates, roughly 15 million to 200 million sperm cells are present in the semen? while the production of sperm goes down with age, it is still quite a massive amount. The other constitute of semen include nutrients, water, salts, waste products of metabolism and cellular debris. The secretions of the testes and accessory glands are produced under the influence of the male hormone testosterone; without sufficient testosterone the glands degenerate and cannot secrete fluids.
read more5 Best Male Enhancement Pills and Treatments of 2023
A few weeks ago, i was absent-mindedly scanning the area behind the register and saw a line up of packages featuring images of samurai warriors, holographic rhinos, and the like. For a split second, i didn’t know what i was looking at but after reading the words “time,” “ size ,” and “stamina,” i figured out that they were, in fact, boner pills. I’d always seen products marketed as “male enhancement” in bodegas and gas stations but dismissed them immediately. I suppose i just found it hard to believe that anyone would take these herbal concoctions and expect anything to happen.
food and drug administration has issued a stiff warning about a black-market male enhancement pill that causes prolonged erections. The dubious drug is sold under variations of the name “rhino” at gas stations and convenience stores, usually in single-dose packets. But it contains potentially dangerous ingredients, including some not listed on the package. Some of the hidden ingredients are similar to those found in prescription erectile dysfunction pills viagra and cialis. The fda said it’s received reports of people who’ve experienced chest pain, severe headaches and extended erections after taking “rhino” pills. Some cases resulted in “surgical intervention and hospitalization due to extreme drops in blood pressure,” the agency said. https://www.youtube.com/@vigrxofficialstore4989/about https://yandex.ru/maps/org/vigrx_official_store/144072933976/?ll=71.290640%2C-35.792696&z=2When to see a doctor
It is commonly reported that erectile dysfunction medications can cause problems with the digestive system. The
most common problems are diarrhea and indigestion. If dietary changes do not help these side effects, some doctors suggest taking remedies to help alleviate.
What is superdrug online doctor?
since many male enhancement supplements are purchased online, having a reliable way to verify age always comes into play. You will need to verify the age of any person buying through your website as customers need to be at least 18 years or older. The chance of a minor purchasing products that are meant for 18 plus and becoming ill makes it challenging to find processing. https://www.facebook.com/vigrxstore
The tga is working with the australian border force (abf) to stop future shipments of resurrection male sexual enhancement capsules from entering australia. The tga will notify abf to seize and destroy any of these products intercepted at the border. The tga is advising consumers to exercise extreme caution when purchasing medicines from unknown overseas internet sites and has produced a short video on the risks associated with buying medicines and medical devices online. Products purchased over the internet: may contain undisclosed and potentially harmful ingredients may not meet the same standards of quality, safety and efficacy as those approved by the tga for supply in australia. https://www.smore.com/hu20y-vigrx-plus-vs-vigrx-oil
read moreMale Sex Enhancement Supplements May Be Risky
“hidden active drug ingredients continue to be identified in products that are misrepresented as dietary supplements and promoted for sexual enhancement, weight loss, bodybuilding and/or pain relief,” the statement said. The fda has received reports of chest pain, severe headaches, prolonged erection and hospitalizations due to extreme drops in blood pressure after taking a rhino product.
“over the past few years, the fda has been combating the retail sale of male enhancement drug products that are frequently misrepresented as dietary supplements and that contain hidden and potentially harmful active drug ingredients. Distributing unapproved drugs, disguised as supplements, places the u.
Largely unregulated, these supplements can come with hidden health risks — and one brand in particular has come under fire recently for its potentially harmful contaminants. The fda urged people this week not to buy or use rhino male enhancement products because they may contain dangerous, hidden ingredients. People who took rhino products reported chest pain, severe headaches, prolonged erections — sometimes requiring surgical intervention — and even hospitalization due to extreme drops in blood pressure, the agency said. The products are sold under a variety of names that include rhino, such as platinum rhino 25000 or krazzy rhino 25000. The supplements are not fda-approved to treat male sexual dysfunction, despite the claims made on their packaging. https://www.youtube.com/@vigrxofficialstore4989/about
Bookmark not all 'male enhancement' products are safe. The us food and drug administration is warning men that "rhino" products promising better sex may pose serious health risks. Since 2007, the fda has identified more than 25 products marketed with variations of the name rhino that contained hidden drug ingredients, the agency reported. Unapproved products the fda has received reports of chest pain, severe headaches and prolonged erections after taking a rhino male enhancement product. Some men have been hospitalised due to extreme drops in blood pressure. "over the past few years, the fda has been combating the retail sale of male enhancement drug products that are frequently misrepresented as dietary supplements and that contain hidden and potentially harmful active drug ingredients," said donald ashley in an agency news release. https://www.youtube.com/@vigrxofficialstore4989/about
Low Testosterone: How to Tell
Zinc is a necessary mineral for sperm formation — it works with folic acid to form dna in sperm. A zinc deficiency may also relate to hypogonadism , where the testes have issues producing the sex hormone testosterone , sperm, or both. Another study found that weight training coupled with zinc supplementation improved testosterone levels.
Research from 2018 found that low folic acid may be a risk factor for ed, while in another
, folic acid supplementation could help improve erectile function in people with ed.
Anabolic steroids are prescription-only medicines that are sometimes taken without medical advice to increase muscle mass and improve athletic performance. If used in this way, they can cause serious side effects and addiction. Anabolic steroids are manufactured drugs that copy the effects of the male hormone testosterone. They have limited medical uses and are not the same as corticosteroids , a different type of steroid drug that's more commonly prescribed. https://www.smore.com/hu20y-vigrx-plus-vs-vigrx-oil
By erika edwards the food and drug administration is warning consumers to stay away from dietary supplements that claim to promote sexual enhancement , weight loss or body building because they may contain hidden — and potentially dangerous — ingredients. Such products are sold without a prescription on various websites, including amazon, and possibly in some retail stores, according the fda. But often, consumers aren't getting what they paid for. "very often, the supplement pills don’t even have in them what they say on the bottle,” dr. Daniel shoskes, a urologist at the cleveland clinic, said. Worse, they could be spiked with pharmaceuticals that can have dangerous interactions with other medications, he added. https://yandex.ru/maps/org/vigrx_official_store/144072933976/?ll=71.290640%2C-35.792696&z=2
Updated: share austin (kxan) — the u. S. Food and drug administration is telling people not to buy nine over-the-counter supplements available at various online retailers because of undeclared ingredients in them. All nine drugs are marketed and promoted for “sexual enhancement “, the fda said. All the drugs have either sildenafil, the active ingredient in the fda-approved medication viagra, or tadalafil, the active ingredient in the fda-approved medication cialis. The fda said the use of those medications is “for use under the supervision of a licensed health care professional. ” the agency also said the drugs could potentially interact with nitrates found in some prescription drugs, like nitroglycerin.
A pharmaceutical company is recalling multiple male enhancement dietary supplements because of a potentially life-threatening risk to consumers using prescription medication, the food and drug administration announced wednesday. Motto international corp. Is voluntarily recalling all lots of bull platinum 30000, stallion platinum 30000, rhino 7 platinum 30000, and panther platinum 30000 because of undeclared tadalafil, a drug used for male sexual enhancement, the fda said. Consuming undeclared tadalafil can pose a risk to people taking prescription medication containing nitrates, such as nitroglycerin, the fda said. Combining tadalafil and nitrates can lower blood pressure to life-threatening levels. Bull platinum 30000, stallion platinum 30000, rhino 7 platinum 30000, and panther platinum 30000 products are marketed as dietary supplements for male sexual enhancement and are packaged in 2, 4, and 10 capsule blister pack cards.
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