When is it time to seek help?
by Admin
Posted on 22-04-2023 02:28 PM
Roughly one couple in five will have difficulty conceiving.
In the united states, this means that more than 6 million couples are currently experiencing infertility. Of couples who fail to achieve a pregnancy, the issue is due exclusively to female infertility about 40% of the time and to male factor infertility about 40% of the time. The remaining 20% of the time, there may be issues with both partners that contribute to the infertility. Strictly speaking, infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after a full year of unprotected intercourse. At that point, couples should seek professional assistance.
As we move into the future, we are learning more and more about how important the male contribution to their offspring is. Living a healthy life is the best way to conceive naturally and give your child the best chance at a healthy life. However, fertility challenges do happen, sometimes for reasons that are impossible for you to know without specialized testing. If the female partner is less than 35 years old and has regular menstrual periods, the couple should seek fertility testing if they do not conceive within 12 months (and only six months if the female is 35 years old or over).
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Lifestyle and home remedies
Most remedies for low sperm count and motility that you can try at home deal with changing lifestyle factors to improve reproductive health. Eat the right diet
your diet may play a big role in your fertility health. Some studies suggest that certain foods contribute to a decrease in sperm count, including:
processed meats like hot dogs and salami. The reason behind the relationship between processed meats and sperm count isn't yet clear, but preliminary studies show a connection.
Foods with trans fats. Trans fats lead to heart disease , but some studies show they also lead to reduced sperm count.
When treatment doesn't work
Stress can have a negative effect on a man’s fertility. It can interfere with a man’s hormones and make it harder for a couple to conceive. Exercise and a balanced diet may help men reduce stress. Sleep is especially important to reduce stress and produce reproductive hormones. When men are asleep, their bodies are making testosterone, which is a key reproductive health. Whether it’s hanging out with friends or just relaxing at home, take time to unwind. Infertility can be stressful for couples, so be intentional about relaxing and reducing your stress. Hy-vee pharmacy solutions (hps) offers fertility expertise to guide you and your partner through the entire course of your fertility treatments.
Start out with a visit to a doctor called a urologist. They'll give you a physical exam and ask you questions about your lifestyle and medical history, such as: surgeries you've had your exercise habits whether you smoke or take recreational drugs they may also have a frank discussion with you about your sex life, including any problems you've had or whether you have or ever had any stds (sexually transmitted diseases). You'll probably be asked to give a sample of semen for analysis. Finding out the cause of your infertility can be challenging. Male infertility specialists have different ways of doing that, but here are some of the tests you can expect:.
Your best chance of fathering a healthy child occurs between your early 20s and mid-30s, assuming you are in good health. However, when the right age for you to have a baby is a personal decision. You must consider how emotionally and financially ready you are for this step. Interestingly, research has found that having a child before age 25 leads to worse health outcomes for the father6. Waiting until 30 seems healthier from an emotional, physical, and financial standpoint. Whenever you decide is the right time, understanding your fertility puts you in the driver's seat. This article was created for informational purposes only and does not necessarily represent the views of for chaps ltd.