Nutritional value in a serving of semen
by Admin
Posted on 28-03-2023 01:07 AM
(1) six mature grazing merino rams were given either a low (lp) or high (hp) level of supplementary feeding for 6 weeks before being subjected to a period of intensive semen collection every 15 weeks for 18 months (six collection periods). At each collection period 16 opportunities for ejaculation were given daily to each ram over two series of 5 days, separated by 2 days' rest. Each ram was exposed to three lp and three hp pre-collection periods. Ejaculates were examined for semen characteristics and the 'reaction time' was recorded at each service. (2) the average daily sperm output for the six rams was 10.
Previously, we linked zinc deficiency with poor sperm quality. In a 2002 study, a group of researchers set out to assess the effects of zinc combined with folic
acid on various measures of semen quality, including sperm concentration, motility, and morphology, as according to world health organization guidelines. The results showed a significant 74% increase in total normal sperm count in subfertile men, with a similar trend observed in fertile men, leading to the conclusion that “total normal sperm count increases after combined zinc sulfate and folic acid treatment in both subfertile and fertile men. ” however, the researchers urged for continued research on the effects of zinc on male fertility.