When should I see my healthcare provider about a low sperm count?
by Admin
Posted on 25-03-2023 09:05 AM
Azoospermia is diagnosed when, on two separate occasions, your sperm sample reveals no sperm when examined under a high-powered microscope following a spin in a centrifuge. A centrifuge is a laboratory instrument that spins a test sample at a high speed to separate it into its various parts. In the case of centrifuged seminal fluid, if sperm cells are present, they separate from the fluid around them and can be viewed under a microscope.
As part of the diagnosis, your healthcare provider will take your medical history, including asking you about the following:
fertility success or failure in the past (your ability to have children).
You may need this test if you and your partner haven't been able to conceive. You may also need this test if you've recently had a vasectomy. A vasectomy prevents
pregnancy by keeping sperm separate from semen during ejaculation. Your healthcare
provider can use this test to find out whether the vasectomy was successful. If you had a reverse vasectomy, your provider can also use this test to see if it
was successful.
What are the best ways to increase sperm count?
There are a number of different ways men with low sperm count can increase their likelihood of pregnancy. If a lifestyle factor is the cause of low sperm count, lifestyle changes can be beneficial. In the event that low sperm count is the result of another cause, one or a few of the following treatments may be recommended:
hormone treatment: if hormone imbalance is present, medication may be prescribed to help a man’s body get back to normal. It typically takes a few months to see results from this type of medication. Surgery: surgery may be necessary if low sperm count is the result of a physical abnormality.
Some labs will rate the ability of the sperm to move (motility quality) by a grading system. Grading systems, however, don’t always present the whole picture. An important value we consider is the percent of sperm that can move with forward, or progressive, motility. Some causes of low motility can include: varicoceles (varicose veins) , infection, and sperm antibodies. Some men with high sperm counts and but lower sperm motility may still have normal amounts of moving sperm.
Foods to improve sperm count
If you smoke, kicking the habit can improve your fertility. Semen analysis of smokers reveals trace elements from tobacco. These chemicals lower sperm count and sperm’s ability to move spontaneously and actively. Tobacco also appears to fragment the dna in the sperm, which damages genetic material. Dr. Vij strongly encourages her patients to quit smoking forever, if possible. But smokers need to quit at least during the time they are trying to conceive.
Declining sperm counts and the increasing average age of first-time parents spell trouble for human fertility, especially when set against the backdrop of ageing populations. Embo reports advance online publication april102012; doi:10. 1038/embor. 2012. 50 [ google scholar ] we all exist because of our parent's fertility; yet in the grand scheme of evolution, fertility is a crucial selection factor that has determined the future of our own and many other species. By animal standards, humans have remarkably poor fertility, although we have nonetheless managed to ‘overpopulate' the planet. However, we now face the prospect that the population of the world, and of individual countries, will begin to contract as more and more countries move below the ‘population replacement' level for birth rates.
Stress can interfere with the production of sperm (not to mention make sex a lot less fun — or nonexistent), so help your guy relax. Trusted source mayo clinic healthy sperm: improving your fertility see all sources make sure he gets enough sleep and regular exercise (but no ultra-marathons — excessive exercise has been shown to decrease testosterone levels and sperm quality). Trusted source national institutes of health, national library of medicine the impact of intense exercise on semen quality see all sources and have him try some relaxation exercises like meditation or deep breathing — or give him a massage.
Healthy sperm, including a high sperm count, is necessary if you want to be a sperm donor. This is why we do a comprehensive sperm analysis of all potential donors to determine their fertility potential. Generally speaking, if your overall health is good, your sperm will likely be healthy as well. So maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating well, getting regular exercise, and a healthy amount of sleep every night are some of the best things you can do. But if you do have low sperm count for any reason, there are steps you can take to help improve sperm count and sperm health.